I'll try and answer some Necron questions based on how I'm interpreting the rules. Expect me to be undecided on a few of these though as rulings could go either way.
Do Royal Court models attached to a Deathmark squad benefit from the Hunters from Hyperspace rule to wound marked units on 2+? No, as a Royal Court model is not a Deathmark unit, even though they are essentially acting as sergeant upgrades.
Can Deathmark squads with an attached member of the Royal Court still choose to deepstrike? Only if the Royal Court member himself can deepstrike.
Does a Necron Lord on a Catacomb Command Barge benefit from Furious Charge on a sweep attack? As a sweep attack is not a Charge in the normal sense, no.
Can Trazyn the Infinite use the Empathetic Obliterator after causing wounds from a Command Barge sweeping attack? The qualifier of 'before assault results have been determined' would have me think no. As there is no assault, the Empathetic Obliterator rule is not used.
If trazyn causes a wound in combat and then dies, does the Empathetic Obliterator still activate at the end of combat? Yes, as he is still 'alive' through the use of Everliving.
Does Zahndrekh's "Adaptive Tactics" on a Command Barge effect
the sweep attack as well? Ie Tank Hunter or Furious Charge on the
Barge also benefit the Lord's Sweep Attack? In some instances yes. As they are still attacks, tank-hunters would be able to be used. The real question is if Adaptive Tactics can effect the guy riding the Command Barge.
C'tan shard writhing worldscape causes all difficult terrain to
become dangerous in the game. Orikan the diviner causes all enemy units
moving in the first turn to count as moving through difficult terrain.
Does "count as" cause writhing worldscape to trigger causing all moving
enemy units in the first turn to take dangerous terrain checks? Or does
count as really only make a "fake" difficult terrain which isn't really
terrain, thus can't become dangerous.I want worldscape and Orikan's abilities to stack. However, Orikan's ability says they 'count as moving through difficult terrain' so the two abilities probably will not stack. Think slow and purposeful, you still roll two d6 but aren't actually moving through terrain.
Does this also apply for Termorstaves which cause units to treat open ground as difficult terrain in their next movement phase. I would say it applies for Tremorstaves as they now treat open ground as difficult.
Ctan Shard Time's Arrow power: does it have an effect on
vehicles? Unlike other stat-based tests mentioned in the book (monolith
portal of exile) Time's Arrow does not state that Vehicles
automatically pass the test. RAW states that since it cannot pass the test, it automatically dies. RaW yes, it dies. This will be FAQ'd though similiar to how Dark Eldar's crucible of malediction was FAQ'd.
How do Wraith's Whip Coils interact with initiative-boosting abilities like Grey Knight Halberds? Whip Coils have the same wording as Tyranid Lash Whips, so they would take affect before any other initiative modifier. For example, furious charging models would be I2 and GK with Halberds would be I3.
Are the Scarabs created by Spyder Squad placed simultaneously?
Or can a single squad of multiple Spyders each generate a Scarab
sequentially, placing the scarab in unit coherency with the previously
placed scarab (and potentially greatly increasing the charge range of
the unit)? The Spyder unit would create the Scarabs at the same time, however they can be placed in sequential order as placing three or models down at the same time is somewhat impossible. I do think that this idea can be exploited.
Can Scarabs generated by Spyders be added to Scarab units that are engaged in assault or are falling back? Yes, the only qualifier is that the Spyder itself is not in combat and that the Scarab unit is within six inches of the originating Spyder.
Can the invulnerable save by the Ctan Shards' Necrodermis, as it is
wargear, be nullified by a Vindicaire Assassin's Shield
Breaker? Amusingly enough, yes.
Does the vehicle armor-reducing ability of an attack with
entropic Strike apply immedietly after the hit and before rolling for
actual armor penetration (and thus could be modified by the strike
effect)? The AV decrease happens immediately after the hit, and subsequent 4+, is made. So yes, you could reduce a vehicle's armor down to where strength 4 can easily decimate it.
If an entropic strike armor-reducing ability happens at the
same initiative step as other models, do the other models roll against
the previous or the reduced armor value? Not sure why this is a question. All the hits happen at the same time and then you roll against the new AV for armor penetration.
How does Quantum Shielding work against Lance weapons? Could go either way here. Lance weapons treat all AV above 12 as 12 and quantum shielding counts as +2 to your actual armor vlue, which would be 11. As the actual AV is 11 and not 11(13) lance weapons would have no effect on Quantum shielding.
Does the Chronometron ability allow the StormLord to reroll the
roll for Night Fight to end? Ie does the Night Fight determing roll
count as a "phase"? Its in the 'movement' phase. Just happens to be at the beginning of it. However, GW could pull what they did with GK shunting and say no.
Chronometron allows models to re-roll one of their "d6" rolls per phase. Does this include rolls of 2D6 (re-rolling just one of the D6's) or rolls of D3(which according to the 40K rulebook still utilizes a D6), or scatter dice (which are technically a D6) or specifically only rolls of a single D6 counting capable of values of 1-6. You can only re-roll a single D6. Scatter and 2d6 cannot be re-rolled but a d3 can.
If you use mind shackle scarabs on a lone character or monster can you make it attack itself. Sure.
Can an enemy vehicle effected by Anrakyr the Traveller's Mind in the Machine ability fire upon itself? If for some reason the gun has line of sight to the tank it is attached to, then yes. However, as most weapons only have a 45 or 180 degree firing arc, I'd say no.
Abyssal Staff causes wounds based on the targets leadership
rather than toughness but is strength 8. Will it cause instant death to a
toughness 4 model whose leadership is not also 4? I can't immediately think of anything with LD 4 or less, but yes, I do think it would cause instant death to a LD 4 model. Toughness 4 models with LD 10 would not suffer instant death.
How do Lychguard Disperson Shields work against blast and template weapons? The templates are not relocated but is the Str and AP still relocated? Yes. So say a unit of lychguard is under a template and 4 are hit. They make their saves and then the hits are bounced off to another unit. The rules only specify that templates and blasts are not repositioned.
What counts as a Cryptek harbringer "unique wargear"? Does it
include the free upgrade that comes with upgrading to a special
discipline (in which case only one Cryptek in a Royal Court could have a
Tremorstaff, for instance) or is only the additional two pieces of
optional wargear available to a Discipline? Again, not sure why a question like this is asked when the rules clearly answer them. Unique wargear would be anything that is listed below the "May then take any of the following". So you could have a three Crypteks upgrade to a Harbringer of Despair, but only one could have a Nightmare shroud and only one have a Veil of Darkness.
Ubiquitous: Being or seeming to be everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent.
Voluminous: Having great volume, fullness, size, or number; ample or lengthy in speech or writing: voluminous paperwork.
Loads more after the break...
Ubiquitous: Being or seeming to be everywhere, or in all places, at the same time; omnipresent.
Voluminous: Having great volume, fullness, size, or number; ample or lengthy in speech or writing: voluminous paperwork.
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