
I am currently accepting commissions.

Don't have time to finish that squad for a tournament next month or want your characters to be, well, characterful and unique, standing apart from any one's army?

I will do anything from the speed-painted ork horde to the laboriously intricate Reaver Titan, and I'm always open to try my hand at new things.

While I primarily paint Warhammer 40k miniatures, I have in the past painted Fantasy miniatures as well as those from companies other than Games Workshop.

I firmly believe in communication with a client and if they are not happy with the product then I am not either. I want a client to be proud of their miniature regardless of it being a lowly grot or a super-heavy tank. Each model I paint is viewed as a final project to a graduate-level art course.

Now lets discuss the finer points!

As an artist,  I am constantly hounding for new ways to paint, but for the sake of clarity, here are some of the techniques I use. They are just generalizations as I frequently deviate from them in order to achieve a specific paint style.

Priming: I tend to prime using a zenithal priming technique using an airbrush or spray cans. What this means is that the miniature will look brighter where light would hit it and darker in the shadows.

Base colour: I have a wide range of paints and know how to mix any GW paint using primary colours. If a client is looking for a specific colour to be replicated, I tend to ask for an example on a piece of paper or a painted model.

Highlighting: As I use zenithal highlighting when I paint, my miniatures tend to have a fair amount of realism to them. To enhance this effect I tend to layer up to another, slightly brighter colour. However, if a you would like something you can replicate, we can discuss techniques you think you would feel comfortable with.

Special Effects: I'm rather familiar with OSL techniques so if requested those can be applied. I have attempted NMM and SENMM in the past with moderate success.

Basing: I can do more or less whatever the client asks for in regards to basing including casting resin bases if the client wishes to expand their army at a later date and have duplicate bases.

Note: All  models are sealed with hand-painted gloss varnish followed by a matte varnish. The gloss varnish is used to add extra protection so you will not need to touch-up your model as frequently as normal. If there is no intent to use this model in gaming purposes, no varnish can be applied in order to retain more true colours.

I am relatively free at this point in time so any level of quality can be achieved. However, I'm not a golden-demon level painter (yet!)  so please don't expect something to that level. I will do my best to reach a client's expectations.

Pricing and Time Involved:
I base all prices based around the following criteria:
1. How quickly the model/models need to be finished
2. Level of painting 
3. Type of model to be painted

All prices are discussed on an individual bases but I ask that 1/3 of the initial cost is payed as a non-refundable deposit to help cover material fees.

I also ask that the client pays for all shipping and handling fees which may occur. I ship my miniatures hand-wrapped in bubble wrap which is then covered in packing peanuts and boxed. Shipping can either be done through FedEx or USPS depending on what the client asks. With either method, shipping is insured and delivery conformation is used to help ensure that the miniature arrives safely.

Note: If the client has a business address, I can ship their miniatures there through FedEx at a reduced rate.

I accept payment via PayPal. Other payment methods can be determined on a case by case basis. I also reserve the right to re-sell miniatures if the final payment  is not met.

If you are interested:
Feel free to email me and we can discuss details as well as answer any questions you may have.
My email is:

Thank-you for looking.