So I was digging through my usual YouTube channels to find some interesting information and stumbled upon this video made by Beasts of War:
To summarize for you all, Darrell looks at the Chaos Warptime Psychic Power and determines that most Chaos Space Marine players have been using the power incorrectly. He claims that we must re-roll ALL dice rolled, if we re-roll any dice, and not just the ones which FAIL to hit or wound.
Before I continue, here are the exact rules for both Warptime and Re-Rolls from the Big Rule Book:
"The power is used at the start of any player's turn. If successful, the psyker may re-roll all rolls to hit and rolls to wound for the entirety of that player's turn." (page 88, Codex: Chaos Space Marines)
"-pick up the dice you wish to re-roll and roll them again. The second score counts, even if it means a worse result than the first, and no single dice can be re-rolled more than once regardless of the source of the re-roll. If you re-roll a 2d6 or 3d6 roll, you must re-roll all of the dice and not just some of them, unless the rule granting you the re-roll explicitly specifies otherwise." (page 2, BRB)
The confusion arises from the word "All" in 're-roll all rolls to hit and rolls to wound' from Warptime as well as 'you must re-roll all of the dice and not just some of them, unless the rule...explicitly specifies otherwise' from the BRB.
Darrell's interpretation completely ignores the first bit regarding the re-roll of 2d6 or 3d6.
According to the BRB you, "roll a D6 for each shot fired" and then "roll again to see if it wounds the target." This line clearly states that each attack made, irregardless of the attack being a shooting attack or a close combat attack, as well as each roll to wound, is an independent dice roll which gamers group together to speed up the game, not a 2d6 like a moral test or a monstrous creature's roll for armour penetration.
Furthermore, trying to take the word ALL in the rule completely literally ends up with a binary set of possibilities which make no sense. "All" dice in a turn clearly means ALL dice, so you have the choice to either re-roll nothing the entire turn and the power has no effect, or you re-roll every single dice you throw regardless of its result. The first roll would be completely ignored, which has the same result as the first option. Dividing "may" and "all" up into batches of rolls makes no more sense than dividing "may" and "all" into individual dice. Less even, because it goes against existing precedent from other sources.
Using pseudo-math notation, this is a choice between:
All(may re-roll) or
May re-roll(all)
There is no All(batch(may reroll)) option
Feel free to comment on or counter my argument in the comment section.
Weekly lingo update for you apes out there:
Apotheosis: (v.) elevation to a divine status.
Brobdingnagian: (adj.) Of extraordinary size; gigantic; enormous.
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