Thursday, September 29, 2011

1000 Point games

So after recovering from being rather sick today, I decided to go to a 1k point tournament today at a FLGS. Normally I don't play games at such a low point level as it seems to favour armies which have scaling issues, however, I rather enjoyed this tournament.

The games were on 4x4 boards with terrain which was as close to being a mirror image as possible which was good. My only gripe with this setup is that a 4x4 board tends to favour close combat armies or armies which are meched up in melta guns. Knowing this ahead of time I was going to make a list using Codex: Blood Angels but couldn't come up with anything which I believed was survivable enough or had a high enough model count so I ended up going with my old standby of chimera spam. Instead of running Imperial Guard however, I decided to take Coteaz and his crew to see how they fared.

My list was as follows:

Vindicare Assassin
4 Henchman squads with 8 acolytes (5 stormbolters 3 meltaguns) in chimeras with hull heavy flamers
2 Psy-rifleman dreadnaughts

The games were pretty fun though the hour per round time limit made most games only last till round four at the most.

Game one was Dawn of War deployment and 5 objectives. I played against an ork list which had 20 lootas, a big mek with a Kustom Force Field riding along with a handful of burna boyz in a battlewagon with deffrolla, and two squads of slugga boyz in trucks. We started the game 20 minutes late and only played two turns. Game ended as a draw with each of us scoring one objective each and not obtaining the secondary objective which was to kill an HQ choice from the opponent's army. One of us may have tried to get that objective had we of known about it at the time.

Game two was spearhead deployment and two objectives with a secondary objective of tabling your opponent. I got lucky and was paired up against a daemon player whose list seemed to be a hodgepodge of random units fitting a Tzeentch theme. Granted, my army wasn't really optimized, but his was literally terrible and there seemed to be no synergy. His preferred half came in turn one and he decided to attempt to deploy each unit in a small section behind my tanks in a corner. He ended up needing to roll on the mishap table for each of the three units he wanted to put back there. He got luck and only rolled 3s or 4s for it but I ended up sticking his units in terrain, forcing him to take dangerous terrain tests. That plus Coteaz's "Ive been expecting you" rule equated to half of his army dead before he even got to do anything. I hate rules like that but when your opponent has had it explained to them before and while they are deep striking its a bit hard to feel bad. The game ended after five turns with me tabling him and controlling both objectives.

Game three was for "all the beans" as my opponent said and was rather interesting. He brought along an Eldar monstrous creature list. It was an Avatar, a squad of harlequins, three wraithlords with flamers, brighlances, and missile pods, some pathfinders, and some guardians. The game was twelve inch deployment with kill points and no secondary objectives. I ended up going first and was able to kill a wraithlord and force his pathfinders off the board due to a moral check. Everything else in his army took some wounds but that was really the only thing noticeable. The next few turns nothing really of note happened which was bad for me with the exception that I foolishly moved towards his monstrous creatures. What I should have done was get to the 24" range and the slowly move back as he moved towards me. I ended up losing the game partially due to this and partially to me letting him take another player turn after time was called by a judge. While I still would have lost that game, I would have won the tournament overall due to the points I scored in game  two...a fact which I didn't even think about while playing the third game.

The store holds this tournament every Wednesday so I may futz around with some army ideas and try to take a thunderwolf  or a descent of angels list. Either would probably be rather fun.

I have deemed today adjective day so here are two for you all to salivate over:
Woolgathering: Indulgence in idle daydreaming.
Factitious:  Not natural or genuine: artificial.

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