Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Word Bearers Fandex -HQs and some troop ideas

Was sitting around and thought up some word bearer's stuff.

0-5 Rogue Psyker
Pts 40
WS   BS  S   T  W  I  A  Ld Sv
   3     3    3   3   2   3  1   9  5+
USRs: Independent Character, Psyker

Rogue Psykers do not fulfill mandatory HQ requirements

Wargear: Laspistol, close combat weapon, 5+ invulnerable save

Options: Upgrade laspistol to bolt pistol +2 points. Replace laspistol with shotgun or lasgun at no cost. Upgrade laspistol to bolter for +2 points. Upgrade close combat weapon to a force weapon for +20 points.

Psychic Powers: A rogue psyker receives on of the psychic powers listed below automatically. In addition,  a rogue psyker may purchase any additional psychic power listed below for 20 points.

Enhancer: A rogue psyker typically carries a fetish or arcane artifact which furthers his psychic potential. These items cost 20 points and allow the psyker to cast an additional psychic power per turn. Limit one per psyker.

Psychic Powers:
Brain Flayer: Brain Flayer may be used at any time during the psyker's shooting phase instead of shooting. It is not considered a shooting attack. After the psychic test has been passed, choose an enemy model within 16" of the Psyker and in line of sight to the target. Both players roll a D6 and add the leadership of their models. For each point the winning model wins by, the other model loses a wound with no armour saves possible (invulnerable saves may be taken as normal).

Soul Shrive:Soul Shrive may be used at any time during the psyker's shooting phase instead of shooting. When used, and after the psychic test has been passed, the psyker may lash out at any enemy unit within 18" with bolts of psychic energy with the following profile: S4, AP -, assault 2D6. Roll a D6 each time the power is used. On a roll of a 6, the attacks count as AP2, as the target is consumed utterly. On a roll of a 1, in his madness the psyker targets one of his own units selected by his opponent. In this case, losses do not cause a Morale test. The unit selected must be a  valid shooting target.

Puppet Dance: Puppet Dance may be used at the start of the psyker's shooting phase, instead of assaulting. This power affects one enemy unit within 6" and in line of sight of the psyker. Before any other assaults are fought, the unit must immediately resolve one round of close combat attacks on itself using whichever valid weapons the psyker pleases. If the unit is already in close combat then any survivors will fight normally during the remainder of the Assault phase. Independent characters who happen to be with the unit are immune, as the psyker prefers to enjoy their helpless horror at their allies' actions.

Apostate Cardinal
Pts WS  BS S T W I A Ld Sv
115  3    3  3 3  3  3  1 10  6+

Wargear: Accursed Rosarius, Pledge of Deliverance, close combat weapon.

Accursed Rosarius: These items are defiled versions of a normal Rosarius. They confer a 4+ invulnerable save.

Pledge of Deliverance: Having heard the daemonic words of the Book of Lorgar, the Apostate Cardinal writes an oath written on the flesh of members of the Ecclisiarchy and signed in their blood. Once per game, the Apostate Cardinal may read from this unholy scroll. All Traitor units immediately gain +1 attack until the end of their next assault phase as they attempt to prove their loyalty and sacrifice themselves to the Dark Gods. This may be used at any point during the game.

Special Rules:

Independent Character: The Apostate Cardinal is an independent character as described in the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook.

Retinue: The Apostate Cardinal may be accompanied by a retinue of 8 Pontifex Guard. If this option is taken, the Apostate Cardinal loses his Independent Character status until the Pontifex Guard are slain.

Pontifex Guard
Pts:  120 
WS BS S T W  I  A Ld Sv
  4    1  3  3   1  3  2   8   6+

Number/Squad: 8

Wargear: Power weapon, Storm Sheild

False Dominion: Such is the power of the Apostate Cardinal's constant oratory that he instils total debotion in those who follow him. The Apostate Cardinal may take a Leadership test at the start  of his turn. If this is passed, then any friendly squads with a model within 12" of the Apostate Cardinal will automatically pass all Moral and Pinning tests, even if a failure is normally automatic, until the beginning of his next turn. Failing this morale test does not cause the Apostate Cardinal to fall back.

The Flock: Traitor units do not count towards the maximum Troops choice that may be taken in an army with an Apostate Cardinal as an HQ choice. For instance, the Word Bearer's player may take the  normal six Troops choices plus as many extra choices as he chooses, provided that these extra choices were traitors.

 Pts WS BS S T W  I  A Ld Sv
  4     3    3  3 3  1   3  1   6   5+

Number/squad: 5-15

Wargear: Lasgun and frag grenades

Options: Any model may exchange their lasgun for a shotgun or laspistol and close combat weapon for free. Any model may exchange their weapon for a flamer at +10 points, a meltagun at +10 points, a sniper rifle at +5 points, a plasma gun at +10 points or a grenade launcher for +10 points.
Two Traitos can form a weapon team with one of the following: a heavy bolter at +10 points, a lascannon at +20 points, a mortar at +5 points, an autocannon at +10 points, or a missle launcher at +15 points. The squad can be equipped with krak grenades for +2 points per model.

Agitator: For an aditional cost of +10 ponts, one Traitor per unit may be upgraded to an Agitator.

  3    3   3 3  1  3 2   7  5+

USR: Stubborn

Dedicated Transport: A traitor squad may take the following vehicles as dedicated transports:
Rhino (Counts as being BS 3)

Special Rules
Infiltrate: Traitors are often familiar with local conditions and defences, and are adept at using treachery to win tactical advatages. To represent this, Traitors may always infiltrate if they wish to.

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