Monday, May 23, 2011

Word Bearers Fandex

I've decided to start writing a Word Bearers fandex. As it is, obviously, a fan made codex, I would like assistance from those willing to give it.

Here are some army special rules, as well as wargear, I've thought of. Inspiration is taken from the Dark Apostle series as well as the Horus Heresy series.

Army Special Rules:

Oath of Hatred: Models with this special rule have Preferred Enemy universal special rule. In addition, they re-roll to wound against any models from Codex: Space Marines.

Daemonic Possession: Models with this special rule are Fearless and have a 5+ invulnerable save.

Daemonic Engine: Vehicles with this special rule ignore Shaken and Stunned damage results. In addition they are subject to the Rage universal special rule.

Combat Squads: A  number of ten-man, or higher, units have the option of breaking down into two equally sized units called Combat Squads. This option is clearly specified the unit's entry. For example, a ten-man Coterie can fight as either a ten-man unit or break down into two five-man Combat Squads.

The decision to separate into combat squad is made when the unit is deployed. Both squads are deployed at the same time but may be placed in separate locations. For the remainder of the game they are, for all purposes, separate units. Units held in reserve cannot be split into combat squads and vice versa.


Icon of Chaos Undivided: All Word Bearers units within 12" of a model equiped with an Icon of Chaos Undivided may choose to pass or fail Morale and Pinning tests.

Bolter of Change: Any model wounded by this boltgun must take a toughness test. If the test is failed, the model is immediately removed from play and replaced by a Chaos Spawn. The Chaos Spawn is immediately under the Word Bearer player's control as a new unit. If the removed model was in base contact with friendly models, they are now engaged in close combat with the Spawn. Otherwise, the Chaos Spawn model is placed one inch away from the unit.
Limit one per army.
Range: 24"  Strength: 4 AP: 5 Rapid Fire

Daemon Weapon: A Daemon Weapon is a two handed power weapon which causes instant death. It also adds an extra d6 attacks in close combat. Roll the dice every time the model is about to attack.
Wounds caused by a Daemon Weapon count as double for the purposes of combat resolution.

Accursed Crozious: An accursed crozious is a power weapon.

I'll add to it more as I think of random stuff..

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