Monday, May 2, 2011

On Skimmers

Since the Stormraven and Valkyrie were released, every race (with the exclusion of Orks) has a skimmer of some sort. I'd like to briefly comment on the rules regarding them in hopes that people will stop using them incorrectly, or more specifically, ignoring sets of rules, for all our sake.

As a vehicle, skimmers follow all the rules for vehicles with the following exceptions:
Skimmers can move over all terrain and ignore the penalties for difficult terrain and tests for dangerous terrain. However, if they start or end a move in terrain, they must take a dangerous terrain test.
Skimmers can end their move over impassible terrain if they can be placed there, but doing so forces a dangerous terrain test.
Fast Skimmers can move flat out at 24''.

One caveat to the base being ignored bit: The stormraven/valkyrie were FAQ'd to measure contesting and disembarkation from their base. No other vehicle is like this (yet...I'm looking at you Voidraven and Razorwing!)

Skimmers get a 4+ cover save when it is not immobilized and has moved flat out in the preceding movement phase.
They also are wrecked when they are immobilized by shooting if they moved flat out. 

If the base is removable, you remove the base when the skimmer is wrecked or immobilized.
It is also not permitted to remove the skimmer's base under any other circumstances as skimmers cannot land during battle conditions.

Skimmers can dodge rams on a 3+. This causes the ramming vehicles crew to stop the tank and 'be disappointed.'

And now for the part which will cause nerd rage!
When a vehicle touches terrain, it must take a terrain test, correct? Skimmers are vehicles, yes? So when a valkyrie or stormraven (unless they are flyers in apoc.) touch terrain with their wings guess what you have to do. You take a terrain test!
Now, don't get all mad about it. You probably should just move into a spot where you aren't above terrain...or tell your pilots to stop flying so low and smashing through buildings.

I mostly bring that bit up due to GW's FAQ stating that 'if a fast skimmer moves flat out during its turn, and is subsequently wrecked (during the same turn), the passengers inside are lost.' (Yea, not word for word but that's the gist of it.)

And that is it. Hope you enjoyed this little stroll down rules lane.

(Preps for nerdrage and flaming)

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