Here's a derp list for you all. I'll be running it this weekend at a local GW's tournament.
MC Psycannon
Vindicare Assassin
Henchman Squad
10 Warrior Acolytes
5 Stormbolters
3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Henchman Squad
10 Warrior Acolytes
5 Stormbolters
3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Henchman Squad
10 Warrior Acolytes
5 Stormbolters
3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Henchman Squad
10 Warrior Acolytes
5 Stormbolters
3 Meltaguns
Chimera w/Heavy Flamer
Psyrifleman Dread
Psyrifleman Dread
Heavy Incinerator
Tactics and whatnot after the break.
For starters, this list is presently 290 points under 1850. I ran some Psykers in a rhino but they often kill themselves through perils so I've decided to drop them for the time being.
Grandmaster(GM) and Coteaz hitch rides in the Chimeras. GM gives the dreadknight and whatever else scouts or scoring. Depends on the mission and what I'm up against obviously as well as if I'm going first/feeling lucky.
Coteaz's re-roll of seizing helps me go first a bit better but it's nothing to rely on.
Chimeras drive up six inches turn one and then move to go sit on objectives if need be.
Rifleman dreads do what the do and be jerks by blowing up tanks or assaulting things without melta bombs or fisty stuff.
Rundown of shooty stuff.
8 Twin-linked Str. 8 shots
12 Str. 8 shots
4 Str. 7 shots
12 Str. 6 Shots
40 Str. 4 shots
Lots of dakka. Should kill most marines and not have a hard time against hordes.
Fun times.
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