Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Grey Knights 1500 lists (and some tactica)

I've been playing around with the codex right now and thought I'd write two lists for a 1500 point tournament at the month's end.

First one is based solely on models I presently have (or can build out of bits laying around)
Inquisitor Coteaz        100pts

Ordo Malleaus Inquisitor   86pts
Terminator Armour        
Servo Skulls x2               

Vindicare Assassin      145        

Retinue                       90pts
Warrior Acolyte x10     
Melta Gun               
Melta Bomb x4           

Retinue                      94pts
Warrior Acolyte x6     
Jokaero x2              

Retinue                               180pts
Jokaero Weaponsmith x2  
Psyker x7               

Retinue                               180pts
Jokaero Weaponsmith x2  
Psyker x7               

GKSS                    150pts
Psybolt Ammo    

GKSS                    150pts
Psybolt Ammo             

Nemesis Dreadknight     190pts
Gatling psilencer       
Nemesis Greatsword      

Rifleman Dreadnought             135pts
Psybolt Ammo             


Rather simple list concept. The unmounted henchmen squad with jokaero sit on an objective and hope for the best and the other one marches in front of the two razorbacks and hopefully give them a cover save.
The two jokaero/psyker groups drive around in the back keeping in cover while dropping s10 ap1 pie plates or hang out once they get ontop of an objective or get into range of the jokaero's lascannons.

The Rifleman dread and the dreadknight march up behind the razorbacks and assault/shoot things as necessary.

Obviously the vindicare does what he does on some terrain somewhere. Hopefully popping transports for the psykers to template or killing ICs.

I apparently didnt save the other list (damn not having armybuilder for GK yet!) so I'll have to wait on a FB message reply.../sigh

C&C welcome!

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