Tuesday, October 19, 2010

25 Often forgotten 40k rules

1. Poison weapons get re-rolls if the strength of the wielder is higher or equal to the opposing models toughness. They still use the poison number if their strength is higher!

2. Units cannot regroup if under 50% starting amount or enemies within 6″ This includes anyone with ATSKNF

3. Units have to be within 3″ of a objective to claim it. They only have to have a single model within 3 inches!

4. If you destroy a enemy transport (with shooting), in the assault phase you may assault the occupants.

5. Independent characters have the move through cover and skilled rider special rules. they don't really lose it, but cannot use it in a squad unless the squad they are attached to does as well

6. Independent characters can be singled out in close combat, but have to be in base to base combat.

7. Independent characters must be in base contact to attack.

8. Force weapons inflict instant death, but this counts as using a psychic power.

9. Monstrous creatures get the move through cover special rule.

10. Monstrous creatures need 50% cover to claim a cover save.

11. Jump infantry must take a dangerous terrain test when moving out or into terrain.

12. Bikes do not roll for terrain tests when assaulting, though they take a dangerous terrain test when moving through terrain.

13. Eldar Jetbikes can move 6″ in the assault phase even if not assaulting.

12. Beasts have the fleet special rule. note that Calvary and beasts are the same thing.

13. Beasts roll 2D6 and double the highest result when assaulting through cover. They also have a 12″ charge range.

14. Hull mounted weapons have a 45c shooting visible arc.

15. Hits from barrage weapons on vehicles always are worked out hitting the side armor.

16. Units in successive turns assaulting a vehicle may shoot at it and assault again, but count as a ongoing combat. This does mean you get to hit your opponent's vehicle if it didn't move during his turn!

17. When assaulting a vehicle if it hasn’t moved units auto hit, if the vehicle moved 6″ 4+ to hit and 12″ 6+ to hit.

18. Vehicles in squadrons treat immobilized results as wrecked and crew stunned results as crew shaken.

19. Passengers cannot shoot from vehicles when it is crew shaken or crew stunned.

20. Units which turbo boost cannot move through terrain. Not directly related to turbo boosting, but it occurred to me here, and I can't find anywhere else to put it. Scouting units must stay 6" away from enemy units. This includes skimmers!

21. Template weapons can fire at a fire point on a building and causes D6 wounds.

22. Ruins without bases are not counted as difficult or area terrain.

23. Only the “body” of a model may have line of sight drawn to it, this includes; legs, arms, head and main body – wings, tails and fancy ornaments etc are not included!

24. You can roll separate dice for different weapons or even shooters.

25. Units with majority of there number in cover will gain a cover save. Also, the rules specify, if it is close as to whether or not the last model needed to get a cover save and you and your opponent cannot agree, you get the cover save at a -1 (so a 4+ becomes a 5+ and so on).

an object venerated superstitiously and used as a fetish or amulet by tribal peoples of West Africa.
the magical power attributed to such an object.
a ban or interdiction effected by it.

   /ˌækwiˈɛs/ [ak-wee-es]
–verb (used without object),-esced, -esc·ing.
to assent tacitly; submit or comply silently or without protest; agree; consent: to acquiesce halfheartedly in a business plan.

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